Practically FunctionalSweet Anne Designs - Sweet Sharing Monday
What Joy Is MineMy Serendipitous Life
Practically Functional Link PartyTruly Lovely
Catch a Glimpse ButtonMy Serendipitous Life

It's Overflowing
I was featured, I was Featured by Addicted to Recipes
Make-Ahead Meals for Busy Moms
C.R.A.F.T.The Gunny SackMixitup
My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia
TitiCrafty by Camila
52 MantelsBWS tips buttonSkip To My Lou 

Lovely Ladies Linky
Obviously MARvelous
The DIY Dreamer
Dear Creatives
Scattered Thoughts of a Crafty Mom
Tickled Pink at 504 Main Follow Who? Social Weekend Hop
Gingerly MadeRhinestone Beagle
Too Much Time On My Hands
A Lil Bit Fancy
Dream a Little Bigger
Makeup Monday
Life in a Break Down

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